Our Offers

Leadership Development and Transformation
Every Board of Directors, and every seasoned executive, knows that the quality of leadership defines the performance of a business. Yet in spite of great effort, improving the quality of leadership often remains an elusive goal. A rethinking of the meaning of leadership is needed.
Leadership is today almost universally defined and addressed solely as a characteristic of a leader. At Linden Leadership we have adopted a different view. We see leadership as a dynamic condition that emerges from the relationships, interactions, and behaviors of groups of people. This definition emerges naturally from the framework of the Four Fields; we refer to this kind of leadership as field leadership.
The traditional view of a leader is someone who declares a vision and directs people to achieve that vision. The role of a Field Leader is richer and more challenging than this traditional view. Field leaders must be capable of traditional leadership, but they must also be skilled at creating the conditions under which all people learn and adopt the behaviors that give rise to field leadership. The result is a culture with strong, sustainable leadership that perpetuates innovation, vision, superb execution, and learning, at all scales of the organization and in all of the activities within the organization. Field leadership ensures that the organization will continually transform itself and adapt to the constantly changing challenges and opportunities of a hyperconnected world and a relationship economy.
To learn more about the framework of the Four Fields and field leadership, download our paper, Building a Leadership Culture.

Culture Transformation
Our work with organizations is grounded in the framework of the Four Fields and our model of the Cycle of Leadership. Within these we have developed powerful practices to establish high performance leaders, teams, and individual contributors, and a corporate-wide Leadership Culture. In organizations that have established a Leadership Culture the mood is optimistic; people take pride in their work, have a shared commitment to the success of the organization, trust one another, and believe that collectively they can solve any challenges that arise. The practices of innovation, vision, superb execution, and continuous learning are evident at all scales of the organization.
To learn more about creating a high performance organization based on the framework of the Four Fields , download our paper Building a Leadership Culture.

Team Development
We work with teams to enhance alignment, engagement, execution, and continuous learning. Team members are coached to push through personal and inter-personal barriers that hold them and the team back. They become aware of possibilities, personally and collectively, to which they were previously blind, and they learn to reach for and achieve goals far beyond what they thought possible.
The collective journey the team takes in this process builds extraordinary levels of trust, commitment and accountability. Individuals who have been through this development process carry these skills to other teams they join or work with, spreading the power of their learning throughout the organization.
Team coaching, our Foundations of High Performance Leadership & Teams programs, team building retreats and team facilitation are all part of the Linden Leadership suite of team development services.
We offer coaching services to executives, managers, teams and individual contributors. Coaching offers a personalized and rapid means of enhancing the overall performance of individuals, addressing challenges that arise in interpersonal relationships, and establishing alignment and accountability on teams. Coaching thus enhances the performance of the organization as a whole.
Our coaching methodology is grounded in the framework of the Four Fields. As coaches we are thinking partners and guides to enhancing personal growth and accountability and building strong interpersonal relationships and teams. Coaching is an important tool for establishing organizational cultures of high performance that excel at innovation, vision, execution, and continuous learning and adaptation. Our coaching practice operates from these principles:
- Effective coaching requires a trusting partnership between the coach and coachee, and the coachee’s sponsor when there is one
- Successful coaching requires clear coaching goals
- Every person lives and works in relationship with other people, and it is the nature and quality of these relationships that largely determine one’s effectiveness. Coaching goals are often best defined in terms of these relationships and the opportunities to make them more effective.
- Self awareness is a critical capability for building effective relationships
- Every coaching engagement is unique, and we tailor our approach to fit the particular personality and needs of the coachee and their organization.

Current Offer:
The Interpersonal Field: Building and Sustaining Vibrant Relationships

Virtual Programs
Linden Leadership periodically offers virtual programs in which participants can learn specific elements of the framework of the Four Fields. Introductory programs can be an efficient, cost-effective way to introduce someone to the basic concepts and language of the Framework of the Four Fields. Intermediate programs explore the principles and practices in greater depth, and advanced programs provide a deep dive into them. These programs can be a great way for someone who has worked with us in the past to get a refresher.
Virtual programs are often offered as open-enrollment. They can also be tailored specifically to the needs of individual clients.
If you are on our mailing list you will be notified when virtual programs are offered.